Your music lesson is not practice. Practice is what you do on your own at home. One major difference between music lessons vs. dance or gymnastics or a sports teams, is that the time with your teacher is to equip you to be able to work on your own. You have an instrument at home so you don't need to spend five or ten hours at a special place to work on your music. You don't need to work with a team to practice. If you are playing with a group, you will have practice or rehearsal together, but being able to play in a group requires that you work on your own.
A music lesson is a limited length of time in which a teacher demonstrates skills, teaches concepts, and gives assignments to build skill. The weekly lesson allows the student to ask questions, get feedback, and make consistent progress in their practice. If you want to progress, don't look at your lesson as practice. Look at your time at home working on your assignments as practice. That shift in mindset is practically magic.