There's no school. Why keep taking music lessons in the summer? Here are a few good reasons:
1) Keep making progress instead of losing it. Seriously, if you keep playing over the summer, you will keep building skills and moving forward. Yes, go on vacation and miss that week, but come back and keep making progress. And save yourself the trouble of having to "relearn" everything in September!
2) Have structure. Keep some structure in your days and your week. Either having music to practice will prevent boredom or it will give you some normalcy in at time that everything is different (i.e. day camp instead of school).
3) Help your teacher. I'm going to be a little selfish and say it. Keep taking lessons in the summer because I need my income. I don't charge you for lessons all year if you don't take them all year, but I have bills all year. Even if you miss some lessons, it's way less of a hit if you take 8 lessons instead of 12 in the summer as opposed to 0 lessons instead of 12.
4) Help your teacher. Make my September easier. Don't make me reteach everything. Please. The more we meet in the summer, the easier September is for both of us.
5) Be assured of your desired lesson time come fall. My schedule is getting fuller and fuller (yay!), but I cannot guarantee holding a time slot for you anymore. Students who take lessons in the summer get first pick of fall lesson times.
These are just a few reasons that taking lessons over the summer is helpful for all of us.