I've shared before about how 2018 was a nightmare for being able to keep up with practicing and that I now have to rebuild my endurance for practicing. So, how is it going?
I have done at least scales and chords everyday on the keyboard or piano. Getting back into that discipline has worked great. I also have been able to have good 15-20 minute laser focus sessions working on my current song. It has literally been over a year since I've been able to focus and play for that long at once, so even though it is no where near what I like, it is definite progress. I also am doing a lot more demonstrating in a lot more lessons this year, so playing when I'm not actually in a practice session, and that has been going fine too. I'm going to count that because 1. It is playing. 2. It's adding to my endurance as I have little spurts over longer periods of time 3. I'm the one making the rules here (lol).
Singing is a bit more of a struggle since I've honestly been away from it longer and have always struggles more with motivation to actually practice singing rather than just sing for pleasure. I have been doing vocal warm ups 3 or 4 times a week. All in all, it is encouraging to be able to get back into some form of practice and intentional improvement in both piano and singing.
Any step in the right direction is progress.