Are you getting board practicing scales? Here are a few variations that make it more interesting.
1) If you have a keyboard or digital piano, change the sound. Just hearing it in strings or a different piano sound can help.
2) Play them in a different order. Around the circle of fifths. Chromatically. All the scales that start on white keys then on black keys.
3) Play at different places on the piano. Really high or really low.
4) Play in different rhythm patterns. All notes the same length. Long-short-long-short. Short-long-short-long. Triplets.
5) Play with different touches. Play legato. Play staccato. Play with two note slurs.
6) Play with different dynamics. Play loud. Play soft. Crescendo going up. Crescendo going down. Diminuendo all the way through.
Basically. Just play with them. Scales are a great way to practice lots of different skills and techniques since once you know the notes, it's easy to vary HOW you play those notes which makes it more fun and helps you develop other skills. Win-win!