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Everything I Need to Know...

I learned in a practice room. Well, not quite, but I did learn a lot of life skills there. Here's an example:

I was working as an administrative assistant and was giving the task of updating something on the website. I had never done this before and am not particularly good at figuring out tech stuff. To make matters worse, I didn't have anyone to show me what to do. I had three pages of instructions. Cue my musician training. Step 1)I shut myself in the office determined not to leave until the website was updated. Step 2) I looked at those three pages like it was a music score...all the answers I need are right here. I just need to find them, then apply them. Step 3) I sat at the keyboard and followed the directions carefully again and again until something worked. Step 4) I rejoiced because that one thing was done and it would be easier the next time I had to do the same thing.

Practicing music taught me that it takes determination to figure it out and willingness to try over and over to find success. And sometimes all the answers you need are on a few pieces of paper. You just need to look for the answers and apply them.

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