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Breaking Out of Positions

When you fist start learning piano, you generally learn C Position, Middle C Position, G Position, etc. and method books will stay in the positions, transition from one position to another, and occasionally have you reach out of a position, but return to it right away. This is all fine and dandy, until you try to play almost anything else. Then suddenly, you have to think in terms of what notes it's asking you to play and which fingers to use to play them. Music, in general, is not written in positions, it is adapted to fit into a position framework. So what should you do when the music suddenly doesn't fit in your position framework anymore?

1) Look each phrase by itself and decide what is the most logical place to put you hands. Figure out one hand at a time and experiment a little bit for what is most comfortable. Is it just a modification of a position you already know? Or do you have to move and stretch more than that?

2) Look at the transition between phrases. Can you stay in the same place or do you have to move? Can you only get there with a leap or can you smoothly transition with a different fingering?

3) Does your score give you fingerings? Many will, especially when a smooth transition is possible but not obvious.

4) Ask your teacher. If you don't know where to start or how to accomplish it, ask your teacher. That's what we're here for!

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